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Kurdish Population And Religion In Syria

Kurdish Population and Religion in Syria


The Kurdish people are an ethnic group native to the mountainous region of Kurdistan, which spans parts of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria. In Syria, they constitute a relatively small population compared to their counterparts in neighboring countries.

Religion in Syria and Kurdistan

Syria is a religiously diverse country, with the majority of the population identifying as Sunni Muslim (74%). Other religions present in Syria include Shia Islam, Christianity, and Zoroastrianism. Historically, Kurdistan has also been home to a diverse range of religious groups.

Sunni Muslim Majority

The largest religious group in Syria is Sunni Muslims, who make up the vast majority of the Kurdish population. Arabic-speaking Sunnis form the predominant group within the Sunni community.

Indigenous Peoples of Mesopotamia

The Kurds have inhabited the Mesopotamian plains and highlands for centuries. They are one of the indigenous peoples of the region, alongside other groups such as Assyrians and Arabs.

Bias and Discrimination

Historically, there has been a bias in Syria and other parts of the Middle East towards minority groups. This bias has favored heterodox communities such as Christians, Jews, Yezidis, and Alevis. However, recent scholarship has begun to explore whether this bias has shifted.
